Highlights of the regulations.
1. Labor foreign work related to industrial metals. Metal products, machinery / equipment and electrical machinery and equipment. Must take the safety training course called Metalworking Safety Orientation Course (MSOC) since October 1, 2552 on terms as consideration issued / to work permits for foreign workers.
2. Caused by the security council and health at work (Workplace Safety and Health Council: WSH) has reviewed the need for safety training for workers to begin the set. To the construction workers and dock. Need to receive security training before the first group since July 2550 purposes.
(1) to give workers the knowledge about safety and health at work.
(2) to help workers who have experience working with the ability to manage security better.
(3) to benefit employers can encourage workers to renew security certificates. Friendly and growing.
3. Guidelines to training.
(1) If the new foreign workers: access to training courses MSOC within 14 days from arrival in Singapore. Before applying for work permits. Will need to pass exams within 3 months, otherwise the license will be canceled work.(2) If foreign workers are already at work: employers must provide their workers overseas. Certificate through the training course MSOC Otherwise, work permits will be canceled. Foreign workers who do not. The certificate must take the training and exams to pass. And the certificate must be at least 1 month prior to submission.
Work permit.
(3) receive certificates: foreign workers working in Singapore, less than 6 years must have the certificate every 2 years of the foreign workers work from 6 years up to the need for the certificate every 4 years.
4. Costs of training programs. MSOC at the course as well as a condition for issuance / renewal work permit. Singapore Ministry of Labor prohibits employers charging workers.
Source: Snr. Singapore.